A Stormwater Environmental Assessment has been completed to evaluate existing stormwater drainage within the Mill Pond Park study area and to propose options for rehabilitation of Mill Pond, the Heritage Estates stormwater facility and valleyland erosion sites north and south of Mill Pond. This study will evaluate a number of options and determine the best rehabilitation solution to improve water quality, reduce erosion and prevent flooding in the area.
Mill Pond
Although not designed as a formal stormwater management facility, Mill Pond provides a stormwater management function to the City with more than 600 ha of lands draining into it. Over the years, this has resulted in the accumulation of a large amount of sediment that now needs to be removed. Additionally, the outlet of Mill Pond is a barrier to fish, preventing their access to upstream waters while allowing water to warm up before entering the downstream reaches, which has an overall negative impact on fish.
Heritage Estates stormwater facility north of Mill Pond
The Heritage Estates stormwater facility north of Mill Pond has operated since 1987, servicing a residential area to the north and east of about 52 hectares. This storm pond has a large amount of sediment in it that needs to be removed and parts that are in need of rehabilitation.
Valleyland erosion sites along the Upper East Don River
There are a number of sites north and south of Mill Pond that are in need of restoration with issues such as a failing bank support structures and culverts that are in poor condition and in need of repair or replacement.
This study was conducted as a Schedule B in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.
A Municipal Class Environment Assessment (EA) is a process by which municipal infrastructure projects are planned, in accordance with the EA Act (2000).
The Class EA study is important to the decision making process for municipal infrastructure projects as it evaluates the potential positive and negative environmental impacts of road, water and wastewater projects. It assists in the protection, conservation and wise management of Ontario’s environment. Public consultation at various phases is an integral part of the process.
The Class EA process consists of five phases, as follows:
- Phase 1 – Identify problems and opportunities
- Phase 2 – Identify alternative solutions and establish a preferred solution
- Phase 3 – Examine alternative design concepts and establish a preferred design concept
- Phase 4 – Prepare an Environmental Study Project File Report
- Phase 5 – Implementation
Municipal infrastructure projects have varying levels of complexity and sensitivity to environmental impact, and as such, projects are classified in terms of schedule (i.e., Schedule A, A+, B and C). Depending on the Class EA Schedule, projects may not be required to complete all five phases of the Class EA process prior to implementation.
This project was completed as a Schedule B Class EA, requiring the consideration of Phases 1 and 2. Schedule B projects have potential for some environmental impact. They identify and assess alternative solutions to the problem, inventory impacts, and select a preferred solution, while including contact with relevant agencies and affected members of the public.
Project File Report
A Project File Report has been prepared, which outlines the project background, details the evaluation of the rehabilitation options, and includes the conceptual designs for the preferred solutions. The Project File Report is posted under the 'Notice of Completion' tab at the bottom of this webpage and will be open to public consultation until February 2, 2024.