Council Highlights
Tower Hill Off Leash Area to Remain Open
Council decided that the Tower Hill off leash area will remain open. The Tower Hill off leash area has been popular with Richmond Hill dog owners since it first opened as a pilot project and will now become the second such area in the Town’s multi-facility model after Phyllis Rawlinson Park. The multi-facility model is consistent with Richmond Hill’s goal of creating complete communities in which residents have access to a wide variety of services and amenities within walking distance of their homes. To address concerns from neighbouring residents, Council allocated $15,000 for mitigation measures at Tower Hill which may include planting a tree screen along the new west boundary of the facility and relocating the west fence, small dog area and benches. These measures will help to screen views to and from the off leash facility, encourage users to keep dogs in the lower elevation areas of the facility and reduce the size of the off leash area. Neighbourhood off leash areas are smaller than the Phyllis Rawlinson Park off leash dog area as they are intended predominantly for use by residents of the immediate neighbourhood. The off leash area at Phyllis Rawlinson Park remains the Town’s main off leash facility as it provides washrooms and parking, is larger to accommodate more usage and is fully accessible. Council also directed Staff to identify locations for new off leash areas in the south portion of Richmond Hill and in the Oak Ridges area for future consideration. For more information contact Tracey Steele, Manager, Park & Natural Heritage Planning at 905-771-2476.
Council Approves Next Steps in Flood Remediation for Newkirk area
Council received information detailing the preliminary flood remediation study for the Yonge Street and Elgin Mills Road East flood-vulnerable area, the majority of which lies in the Newkirk Business Park. The study, conducted in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), was undertaken to determine flood mitigation options as a necessary first step towards accommodating future development within the business area. Four options, all involving the development of a flood conveyance system of channels and culverts, emerged through a comprehensive evaluation process. Council approved the recommended next step to complete a more comprehensive environmental study, including public consultation, to determine the preferred alternative for flood remediation. For more information contact Jeff Walters, Manager, Storm Water and Subdivisions at 905-747-6380.
Nelson Mandela Day Declared in Richmond Hill
In acknowledgement of his role as a visionary leader and a model of courage and determination throughout times of extreme adversity, Richmond Hill Council declared July 18 as Nelson Mandela Day. Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 and devoted 67 years of his life to public service and the pursuit of democracy. Dedicated to ending apartheid, Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years before his release in 1990. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and became South Africa’s first democratically-elected president in 1994. In honour of this peacemaker’s passing in December 2013, Richmond Hill lowered Town flags to half-mast and created a book of condolences that residents signed. Beginning in 2014, Richmond Hill residents will be encouraged to devote 67 minutes to helping others on July 18, in honour of Mandela’s 67 years of public service. For more information contact Meeta Gandhi, Director, Communication Services at 905-747-6311.